foreclosure in south carolina

Foreclosure Issues Now on SC Legislature’s Radar

Written by Charleston Foreclosure Defense Lawyer, Russell A. DeMott The foreclosure crisis is finally getting some attention.  Several South Carolina legislators, including Senator Mike Rose who represents Dorchester County and parts of Charleston County, held a public forum this week at the Longshoreman’s Hall here in Charleston.  Charleston Senator Robert Ford also participated. The foreclosure…

foreclosure complaint

The Foreclosure Complaint: “What Now?”

Written by Foreclosure Defense Lawyer, Graves H. Wilson, Jr. “I know I’m way behind on my mortgage payments.  Now I’m facing foreclosure.  So why should I fight the inevitable?” Mortgage foreclosure is not a foregone conclusion.  The process has evolved into a minefield for the mortgage holder seeking to take your home away.  While not…

discovery in foreclosure defense cases

Discovery in Foreclosure: “The Golden BB”

Written by Charleston Foreclosure Defense Lawyer, Graves H. Wilson, Jr. The South Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure has “discovery” rules which serve to level the playing field for homeowners facing foreclosure.  No matter how big (well-financed) the mortgage lender or how small (not-well-financed) the home owner, the rules apply equally to both.  When applied properly,…

fighting foreclosure

You Have a Right to Fight Foreclosure

Written by Foreclosure Defense Lawyer, Graves H. Wilson, Jr. You watched your 401(k), IRA, and home values plummet over the past three years.  You tightened you belt and managed to make ends almost meet.  A sluggish South Carolina economy recently cost you your job.  You have been forced to choose between clothing and feeding the…

foreclosure defense

Foreclosure Defense: The Image Problem

Written by Foreclosure Defense Lawyer, Russell A. DeMott Delinquent homeowners should not be treated like criminal defendants, but many times they are.  Overcoming this image problem is just one hurdle home owners face in foreclosure. When you go to court, you want to be treated with fairness and respect. In foreclosure cases, however, that’s not…
