Posts about foreclosure basics.
Written by South Carolina Foreclosure Defense Attorney, Kristina G. Pierce You need to save money during the foreclosure process. It may seem like common sense, but in my practice, I have had to deal with this issue numerous times. Typically when you are in foreclosure, you are not making your monthly mortgage payment. This is…
Written by South Carolina Foreclosure Defense Attorney Kristina G. Pierce The Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act (“PTFA”), which is in effect from May 2009 through December 31, 2014 (thanks to the Dodd Frank Act), protects tenants living in homes that are facing foreclosure in South Carolina and throughout the U.S. The PTFA applies to any…
Written by Charleston Foreclosure Defense Attorney, Kristen G. Pierce “Cash for keys” may be a good result for some homeowners facing foreclosure. Cash for keys is exactly what it sounds like–the lender gives the homeowner cash in exchange for the keys to the home. As with many other areas of law, we need to keep…
Written by Russell A. DeMott Charleston Foreclosure Defense Lawyer, Russell A. DeMott You’re served with a South Carolina foreclosure complaint. Then what? It’s not a letter! After practicing law for almost 18 years now, I see patterns develop. One common thing (of many) I hear from clients is, “I got this letter…” And it’s almost…
Written by Charleston Foreclosure Defense Attorney, Kristina G. Pierce If you have applied for a mortgage modification and are considering retaining counsel for either modification or foreclosure defense assistance, read on. First, I want to mention a practical matter: Even if a homeowner hires an attorney, the lender will inevitably contact the homeowner directly, even…
The foreclosure fiasco has left many Americans who always paid their debts in a position where the house payment has become unmanageable by no fault of their own. Of course you know that because you have experienced or heard about mortgage payments sharply increasing with many ARMS–adjustable rate mortgages. There is life after foreclosure, but…
Written by Charleston Foreclosure Defense Attorney, Russell A. DeMott [Note below, Post Updated on 12/3/12] In South Carolina, closing a mortgage loan (even if it’s a refinance or equity line) is considered the practice of law. As such, South Carolina law requires all mortgage loans to be closed by an attorney licensed in South Carolina. …
Written by Foreclosure Defense Lawyer, Graves H. Wilson, Jr. “I know I’m way behind on my mortgage payments. Now I’m facing foreclosure. So why should I fight the inevitable?” Mortgage foreclosure is not a foregone conclusion. The process has evolved into a minefield for the mortgage holder seeking to take your home away. While not…
Written by Foreclosure Defense Lawyer, Graves H. Wilson, Jr. You watched your 401(k), IRA, and home values plummet over the past three years. You tightened you belt and managed to make ends almost meet. A sluggish South Carolina economy recently cost you your job. You have been forced to choose between clothing and feeding the…
Written by Foreclosure Defense Lawyer, Russell A. DeMott Delinquent homeowners should not be treated like criminal defendants, but many times they are. Overcoming this image problem is just one hurdle home owners face in foreclosure. When you go to court, you want to be treated with fairness and respect. In foreclosure cases, however, that’s not…